Sunday, April 1, 2012

3rd Blogaversary Giveaway Pic

Here is a picture of the package sent to Crazy Mom Tats, winner of my 3rd Blogaversary Giveaway.
You can read more about it here.  I had lots of fun planning and creating this package.  Again thank you to all who entered.

Happy International Tatting Day!


  1. Thanks for the fun, JB, and congratulations to Crazy Mom Tats! Happy tatting day to you.

  2. Giveaways are always so much fun, especially for the one doing the giving! Congratulations to Crazy Mom Tats! I'm sure she'll enjoy her new treasures!

    Happy International Tatting Day!

  3. Thanks again, JB - you are SO generous!

  4. What a cute packet indeed!

    Congratulations Crazy Mom Tats, and thanks again for the giveaway JB!


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