Tuesday, April 3, 2012

A Baker's Dozen

Here is motif challenge #15.  It is egg #18 from the same book.  Tatted in Lizbeth Salmon Med., of course size 20.  This turned out to be a sweet egg.  However, I am not a fan of dimpled rings as I usually end up breaking the thread while closing.  I had to start over three times before I figured out how to close the ring without breaking the thread.  Thank you Jane E. for your tips and techniques pages.  The explanation is so clear and so helpful.  This is the thirteenth egg.

It's Here and I love it!!!  Sherry Pence's new book.  Great job LadyShuttleMaker - beautiful patterns. I am so glad I purchased it.
Happy tatting,


  1. That is such a sweetheart of an Easter Egg!!! Love the hearts!! :)

  2. Beautiful colour of thread i that egg. It is a very pretty one.
    Fox ; )


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