Saturday, March 31, 2012

A Watermelon Egg

Motif Challenge #14 is egg #4 from the book.  It is tatted in Lizbeth's Juicy Watermelon size 20 with lime green   size 6 beads.  The colors are very pretty.  One thing about the eggs is that it is a fun way to try out threads.

Happy tatting,


  1. I like the watermelon colors. Looks very good.

  2. I agree, and I like the effect of the size 6 beads.

  3. Oh how pretty!!! I just love that juicy watermelon color and it looks so awesome in that little motif!! :)

  4. Hi JB,

    Just found your blog from seeing it on the 25-motif challenge and then recognised your little dog. Love this pretty motif, the green beads are perfect for Juicy watermelon (one of my favourite Lizbeth colours).

    Happy Easter!


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