Wednesday, March 28, 2012

LadyShuttleMaker's Mug

I  had to have one of LadyShuttleMaker's ceramic mugs.  It is so pretty.  Too cool to have a mug with lace motifs all over.  I love coffee and love tatting--so it's the best of both.  Thanks Sherry for sharing your talent.
Happy tatting,


  1. Ooooh! That mug is stunning.

    Isn't it made by LadyShuttleMaker, thought? Here is her blog:

    I think yarnplayer is marilee rockley :)

  2. Sherry Pence is Ladyshuttlemaker. Marilee is Yarnplayer :-)

  3. You mean Lady Shuttlemaker!?!? It is a fun mug.

  4. Oh my! Thank you all so much for catching that. Apparently, my brain went on vacation while I was typing that post. I have revised the post now. I sincerely apologize to LadyShuttlemaker.

  5. People tend to mix us up quite a bit but that is ok, it is an honor to be mistook for Marilee!

    I am so glad you are enjoying it JB!


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