Sunday, March 10, 2013

Tatted Easter Egg Doll

I was browsing through Pinterest and found this adorable lady.  I knew I had to have one.  Through clicking the picture for more information, I found that she was created by Umintsuru.  Check out the Gallery portion of her website.  So, I contacted her for some information.  Her main advice was to use whatever was in my stash and to have fun!  I did.  Here is the result.  Thank you Umintsuru for your inspiration.
The egg is the Floral Egg pattern designed by Emma Crew in April 2001.  Thank you to Emma for sharing your lovely egg design.

Happy tatting,


  1. I can never tell if my comments made it thro. Anyway the doll is very cute.

  2. What a special Easter doll. Many thanks for sharing.

  3. What a special Easter doll. Many thanks for sharing.

  4. Your egg doll looks fabulous. So glad you enjoyed the process.

  5. I was lucky enough to see this in person at our Tatting Guild Meeting. It is much cuter to see it.Good job.

  6. I hadn't realized that umintsuru had designed an adorable doll with a tatted embellishment! A very creative way to use tatting. You did a great job with your doll!

  7. Missed this... Very cute. Love the colours.
    Fox : )


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