Wednesday, March 20, 2013

Jane's Critters

Here is the Gecko, Lion, Hummingbird, Octopus and the Flea. Aren't Jane Eborall's critters adorable? I took her class at Palmetto Tat Days 2012 where she taught these.  Except the flea, Jane went around "exterminating" the fleas while there.  She was so generous to give us the dead flea. Since she has been putting the patterns up on her blog, I thought I should go ahead and post the ones I made.  The flamingo and ostrich are done too, but the ends have not been hidden yet.  So, they will appear here sometime later.  It was a great class.  She is an phenomenal teacher.


  1. Those little critters are adorable! I have patterns for all sorts of critters, but somehow I never get around to tatting them. I should... I think the grandchildren would enjoy them.

  2. Those critters are too cute! Love your color choices!

  3. Your critters are so darned cute, even the dead flea! So glad you enjoyed Jane's Tat Days class. I have never taken a class with her, but I sure do want to!

  4. I'm so impressed (and envious) that you actually got to meet Jane! These critters are adorable! Very nicely done!


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