Thursday, July 12, 2012


I am registered for Palmetto Tat Days.  This will be my first time to attend. 
I can not wait to meet all of you wonderful tatting friends in person that will be there.  Please send me some tips and hints on how to make the most of that weekend.  Do I need to get lots of sleep the week before to "try to build up before sleep deprivation" or "bring lots of energy drinks and bars for stamina"?  Also, will I receive a list of supplies to bring or do I bring most everything in my tatting closet incase I need it?

Gosh, I sound like a newbie nerd.  But, I am just so excited.

Happy tatting,


  1. I am so excited for you! I wish I could be there, but that's a trip that will have to wait for retirement... four more years!

    Have a blast, and please take lots of pictures!

  2. yay!! I'm excited to see you there! I would give you advice, but since it'll be my first time there as well.. I won't be much help. However, I will keep an eye on your comments. :o)

  3. Come prepared to stay up LATE and get up early!

    Bring stuff - or get it in vending!

    Be prepared to giggle a LOT!

    See you there...

  4. At LAST I'll get to meet JB. I'm thrilled. All you need to bring is yourself, threads, shuttles, beads and your sense of humour. Teachers will let you know nearer the time what is required for lessons. It's SUCH fun and I'm SO pleased you're going to be there. WHOOOPPPEEEEE.

  5. You will have a wonderful time at Tat Days. Class descriptions tell what supplies to bring. It's tempting to bring your whole tattinbg closet, but not necessary. Most everything will be available in vending.

    Rest up before you get to TatDays. Between Early bird and night owls you'll be having too much fun to want to sleep.

  6. Okay, first pack your entire tatting closet ;) , just because you never know what you might need (plus it's fun to compare stashes with other tatters). Then, fill your wallet $$$ or bring your credit card(s) because you will want to buy EVERYTHING you see in the vending room (Jane and Sally will bring 'pop-a-bobbin' shuttles (GLEEEEE!). Also, empty your local pharmacy of its entire supply of 'No-Doz'; you DO NOT want to fall asleep %} and miss any of the fun. You might not want to eat the week before; the snack room is stocked with LOADS of goodies and the center provides all meals. Pack comfortable footwear for walking, and a pretty outfit for the banquet. Make Georgia happy by bidding and buying at the auction after the banquet. The teachers will tell you what you need, or you can buy class kits when you sign up. Make sure you check the "who's coming" page on the website; you are sure to recognize some names. Count down the days . . .
    Don't worry, we were all newbies once. When you arrive, make yourself at home. We are all family.
    See you there!

  7. I am excited for you. I wish I was going, but I can't so I hope you take pictures and share your experiences when you return.

    Have fun!

  8. This will be my first Tat Days also and I am glad you posted the question about what to bring (I was wondering myself so I could start getting things together). See you there!

  9. Just read all the comments and advice!! I'm a newbie too, but will be under the wing of big sister Jane so will rely on her for 'what to pack' . Although saying that we live a long way away from each other and I will not see her until a day before we travel. Also my suitcase is going to be full of pop-a-bobbins, so no room for clothes! Yikes
    Looking forward to meeting you in September.


Thank you for your comments. I love to hear from you.