Friday, May 25, 2012

PIF Giveaway

I participated in the Pay It Forward giveaway on Tudy's Craft Cupboard blog and now it's my turn.

I will make something handmade for each of the first 3 people that signs up for my PIF. Then each of those people will carry on the PIF on their blog and in turn will send something handmade to three people, and so on.
So who would like to receive a lovely handmade gift? And maybe even a little surprise with it. Just leave a comment on this post and make sure you have your email showing on blogger and I'll be in touch soon! Thanks! I will take just the first 3 that leave a comment and are willing to follow up with a PIF when they get the one I send. 
Are there any participants out there?

Happy tatting,


  1. I would love to join your PIF!

  2. I saw the lovely things Tudy made for you. These PIFS are always exciting

  3. That's an exciting giveaway! If you don't have 3 already, I would love to participate! :o)


Thank you for your comments. I love to hear from you.