Sunday, September 6, 2009

Framed Round Robin Hearts

Here is the picture of the hearts from the 2008 Round Robin. I just framed them today--had all the stuff to frame them since the last post about them, but just did not have time to do it. You know how it is, put something on the table to come back shortly to complete the task--then time, days, months, pass by until you actually get back to it. I hate it when that happens. Since this is a holiday weekend, I am trying to complete several of those pesky unfinished projects. There are five remaining items on the list to complete before Tuesday and back to work.

I really like how these hearts turned out. A huge "THANK YOU" goes to Carol Amich, Laura Blanton, Ellen Dabbs, Brenda Hubler, and Cynthia Stevenson, for the beautiful hearts that you made for me during the RR. I am honored to have a piece of your precious tatting in my home.


  1. That's a great momento, where will you hang it?

  2. That's a great way to remember who tatted them! What a nice way to frame them.

    ~TattingChic ♥

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.

  4. I deleted the previous comment, because I had a typo and could not figure out how to edit it. Does anyone know how to do that?????

    Anyway, thanks for the comments. So, far, I have them hanging in my sewing room. I'm not sure yet where the final hanging place will be.

  5. The hearts look very nice, J.B. You are welcome!

  6. Neat way to keep them and a great conversation piece! Did you do the framing yourself ?

  7. Yes, these I framed using a LP Album frame with a piece of matting as the background.


Thank you for your comments. I love to hear from you.