Tuesday, August 25, 2009

Tatting Tea Tuesday

I can't believe it. I am actually posting on Tatting Tea Tuesday. I have high hopes of posting each Tuesday. However, since school started I have not had the time to tat, post, or read about tatting, posting, etc. Here are some socks trimmed with tatting I made a while back. I used variegated Flora size 20 and irridescent beads. The pattern was adapted from #30 in A New Twist on Tatting by Catherine Austin. I used round 1 from the pattern and then for round 2, I tatted a chain of 5d bead 5d. These were given to a very special friend--she loves them.


  1. OOHHH, the socks are too cute!!! The beads are a perfect addition to the edging you used. I also like the varigated color you used, very pretty!!

  2. Such darling lil' frills on the socks! What a great adaptation. You're a pro! Was it tricky to attach the tatting to the edge of the sock?

  3. ♥ ♥ ♥CUTEness! ♥ ♥ ♥ I love them, they are darling! :)

    ~TattingChic ♥

  4. Sweet! I like how these came out! I might just have a go for The Boss!
    Fox : )


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