Tuesday, July 7, 2009

Looking for Heart Pattern Info

Would anyone happen to know the pattern name and designer of this heart. I received it in a Round Robin exchange and am in the process of framing the hearts with labels that identifies the pattern name and designer as well as the tatter that made it for me. I can't find the info for this particular heart after hours of searching. The person that made it for me was given the pattern by a friend with no info. Any info that you can give me will be most appreciated.


  1. Can't help you, I'm afraid, but I wish I could say 'it was mine'!!!! I've seen many, many hearts over the years but this is one of the prettiest ones I've seen.

  2. I'm sorry I can't help, but it is very pretty!

  3. Hi! You may have found or received the answer by now...but the pattern is called Clover Leaf Heart and found in the Jan-Dec 2009 issue of 'Tatting Supplies' from Handy Hands, Inc.

  4. I made a mistake! Sorry, it is NOT the same one I was thinking of Forgive me...

  5. Thank you all for the nice comments.

    Nancy, thank you so much for the info.

  6. Definitely forgiven....I still appreciate your help.

  7. I've never seen the heart. Maybe your exchange partner knows? Well, I hope when you do find the pattern that you share the link if it's online. It's really cute! :)


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