Saturday, July 11, 2009

Heart Mystery - Resolved

After lots of research on the internet and responses from some very nice people, I finally broke down today and started going through all of my tatting books page by page...

Boy, did I find some beautiful patterns that I forgot all about. I only have 75 tatting books. I know that's too many...but I'm a tatting book addict and a thread addict and a shuttle addict and oh, let's not discuss my sewing room and fabric.

Anyway, the pattern....I found it in Cathy Bryant's TATTING book. The pattern name is "Heart". So, now that the mystery is solved, look for the picture of the framed hearts soon.


  1. Glad you found it. At first, I thought of a "paisley heart" I tatted in the past but when I looked at my photo, I could tell it was different and didn't have time to look in my books.

  2. Oh, no? You think that 75 tatting books is TOO MANY? Uh-oh! I'm in trouble then, LOL! I'm not even going to tell you how many I have, LOL!

    That is cool that you found the pattern! Thanks for sharing the source with us. I just so happen to have that book so I will look for the pattern. :)

  3. I'm glad you solved the mystery!
    75 tatting books??? I feel like a major slacker...why don't I have that many? LOL

  4. Oohhh.... my, that looks like a nice book...... maybe one for my modest collection - I have not come close to 75 books, but aI have only been at this for 10 months... : ))


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