Wednesday, August 7, 2013

Angel in Progress

The tatter's guild to which I belong began the Tree Top Angel by TATSY as a tat along project.  Here is round 1 of the skirt.  There are nine rounds.  This will be a good project to practice my split chains which I avoid as much as possible.   The color is white not the pink shade the picture indicates.

Happy tatting,


  1. Split chains are NOT bad once you get your brain wrapped around them.

    See you SOON!

  2. I made this angel years ago before I knew anything about split chains or split rings. Will be fun to see your progress. It's such a nice angel. Karen in OR

  3. I can't wait to see this. Your split chain looks marvelous!

  4. yes this looks like a fun project! and color does look peach. you did very even tatting looks great!

  5. Hurray! Looking forward to watching your progress. And, (can you believe it?) Your heart parcel is ready to go in the mail...I gave up waiting for permission to share a pattern. If the permission comes through later I can send you the pattern later.


Thank you for your comments. I love to hear from you.