Wednesday, July 10, 2013

A Wayward Dragonfly

This dragonfly didn't make it to Georgia for the fundraiser pieces.  I wasn't happy with it, so I didn't even finish it until now.  It will either go in a drawer or possibly a tail of some sort may be added to turn it to a bookmark.  The thread is another hdt from Tatskool color Apple Blossom in size 20.

Happy tatting,


  1. You could always donate to the Palmetto Tatting Guilds samples to give away at the SC Stat fair. They are always looking for butterflies and small items.

  2. It's a cute dragonfly. Glue him to a small greeting card and use it for a birthday greeting.

  3. Great suggestion from Phyllis, but I cannot fathom why you were unhappy with this dragonfly? It looks good to me.

  4. it's a sweety of a dragon fly and I love to attach motifs like this to organza bags and put my other tatting projects in, I have several projects that going on and rotate through.


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