Sunday, April 15, 2012

Pretty New Shuttle

I was one of the lucky winners of Mary Donohue's decorated shuttle giveaway.  She did a great job decorating both shuttles.  Here is the package that I received.  The Shuttle is beautiful!  Also included was a ball of size 40 Anchor thread and a bag of red beads that will be perfect for the tatted ribbon trees that I will be making for Christmas presents.  Thank you so much Mary.  I love all the goodies and the shuttle is awesome.
Happy tatting,


  1. That is a beautiful shuttle! Can't wait to see what you make with your beautiful new goodies!

  2. Your very welcome JB, I am delighted you like your shuttle and can't wait to see what your thread and shuttle tats up.

  3. I had no idea there were custom shuttles. I only have my grandmother's old ones from the 1920's!

    These are beautiful!



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