Sunday, March 18, 2012

Another Egg again

Here is Motif Challenge #12. It is egg #16 made from Lizbeth Pink Cocoa. But, I think of it as Jane Eborall's Pink Cocoa. I love the way this egg turned out. I usually avoid split chains, but I decided to go ahead and give it a try. Luckily the split chain landed in the brown section of the thread. So, imperfections are not as visible. Please don't look too close. I need to follow Fox and "practice, practice, practice". The actual design may have looked better in a solid color, but I like how it turned out. Don't forget to sign up for my 3rd Blogaversary Giveaway.
Happy tatting,


  1. I like the unique picots on the outer chains!!! :) Great egg! :)

  2. Beautiful Egg. I think the design looks great in this colorway.


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