Tuesday, February 14, 2012

Someone I Am Glad To Have Known

My heart is broken. Gina Brummett has been a wonderful tatting and blog mentor, teacher and friend. Although we never met face to face, we exchanged several emails over the years. I began reading TattingGoddessUpdates on Yahoo groups several years ago and went on to follow her blog when she gave up moderating TGU.

I began my blog because she hosted a PIF giveaway, and I won. One of the stipulations was that the winner would post the PIF picture on their blog and host a giveaway to "pay it forward". Gina was very instrumental in the creation of my blog and gave me excellent advice. I have a few pieces of her tatting and crochet--they were already precious to me, now they are even more so.

I will miss her tremendously. My prayers are with her family.

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