Friday, January 27, 2012

25 Motif Challenge

I decided to try the 25 motif challenge this year. I have always enjoyed following that blog and am always impressed by the beautiful pieces that participants create.

I began working my way through the "Tatted Easter Eggs" book by Kirsten Wind Hansen. Here is Motif #1. It is Egg #1 made in Lizbeth #127 Butterfly Breeze, size 20.

Happy tatting,


  1. Saw your pretty Egg #1 and thought it looked familiar as I just finished tatting it last night!

    The colours you used give it a whole different feel than the ones in my motif.

    The patterns in this book are terrific for displaying different colour-ways.
    Fox : )

  2. Beautiful!!! :)
    And such pretty colors!!! :)


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