Sunday, November 13, 2011

Play with Picots

Here is a picture of two patterns from Martha Ess' PLAYING WITH PICOTS book. These are tatted by Elizabeth Birmingham, one of my good friends from my tatting guild. She is very talented and her tatting is beautiful. When I get stumped by a pattern, she is the first person I ask for help. I can not tell if Graci is glad the Christmas decorations are up or not. Of course, she has a unique perspective. She loves laying on the stairs peaking her head through the railing "watching" us.
Happy tatting,

1 comment:

Elizabeth said...

Thanks you for the very undeserved compliment. You are the best tatter I know and I go to you for help.
I know your house looks beautiful. You got your decorations up early this year. I like it. Makes everything look so cheerful.