Tuesday, July 5, 2011

New Shuttles

Here are two shuttles that I received recently.
On the left is one of Diane Cademartori's decorated shuttles. The one on the right is from Emsyjane. They both are very beautiful. The clover type shuttles are my favorite, but Emsyjane's is a joy to tat with also.

I am so glad that there are people out in tatting land that make lovely shuttles available to us. They are so much more interesting than the plain ones and they make me smile when I'm using them.

Happy tatting,


  1. Very nice shuttles! Diane is making some fun blinged up shuttles lately. I do love Emsy Janes shuttles! I got some recently that I can't wait to blog about! :)

  2. I second Michelle! Such pretty shuttles. What are you inspired to tat with them?

  3. I feel honored to have one of my shuttles in the same picture as one of Emsyjane's! I love her little shuttles. I feel very elegant when tatting with them! : )

    I hope you enjoy them both!


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