Tuesday, January 4, 2011

Two UFO's completed

So far, the new year has been productive. Here is a picture of two completed projects.
The cross is from Mary Konior's "Visual Tatting Patterns" book. The snowflake is called "Iceflower Flake" designed by Ben Fikkert.
Now, I am working on finishing the Meadow Song ball designed by Terry McGuffin, that I was unable to complete prior to Christmas. Although, I just saw Sharon's Merry Christmas 2009 snowflake on Fox's blog and am lusting over that one now.
Off to tat...Happy tatting!


  1. I really like that Iceflower Flake - I have never seen it before.

    Thanks for the link and for mentioning tat-ology! Isn't Sharon's pattern terrific?
    Fox : )

  2. Love the Iceflower Flake it is really unusual!
    Thank you for the lovely comment that you left on my blog!


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