Tuesday, July 20, 2010

Tardis Bookmark

If you are an avid Doctor Who fan, then you know what the picture above is and what it represents. For those who are not familiar with the popular British sci-fi show, TARDIS stands for "Time And Relative Dimensions In Space" and is the police phone booth that The Doctor uses in his travels through time and space to save the universe from all sorts of monsters and disasters. Now, I am not an avid fan per se, but I do enjoy watching the show. My dear hubby on the other hand is absolutely bonkers for it, having seen every episode in existence (the series started in 1963 and is still produced today). So when I found this pattern on Ravelry, I knew I had to make it for him. I did and he loves it.

It's made from Flora #219 in size 20. It was simple to make, however, you need to know how to do split rings and one split chain.

Thank you Anne Bruvold for designing this cool pattern.

Happy Tatting,


  1. Your Tardis turned out great!

    And I have been chomping at the bit to see/read more about the six-shuttle tatting lesson, so I was so pleased to see the photos in the previous post.

    Thanks so much for sharing and keep those shuttles moving. Wouldn't want them to collect dust...

  2. Your Tardis is great, I also made one and it turned out okay!!!!! We are also Dr Who fans.

  3. Thanks so much for your nice comments.


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