Thursday, February 25, 2010

TIAS Completed

I had finished the TIAS on schedule, but was having camera issues. So here he is, mistake and all--but I love him anyway. Thank you Jane for another exciting TIAS.

I hope all are doing well out in blog land. Spring Break is next week for me, so my plan is to tat, knit, and sew.


  1. Another Norman - he looks great.
    I expect you are looking forward to tatting, knitting and sewing, have a good break

  2. Hi,
    I live in Mobile, and I found your blog using a search engine. ;0) I was wondering what your suggestion would be to me in where to start learning to tat. I don't know anyone who does it and the videos I see on youtube seem to be lacking in some things for a beginner. Any suggestions would be very helpful. Thank you.

  3. Hi Lori,

    I am glad that you are interested in tatting. Wellslee's All Strung Out on Cottage Hill Road or The Yarn Cottage in Fairhope offers tatting classes. Also, we have the Mobile Tatter's Guild that you are welcome to come to. Email me and I will give you some more information.


Thank you for your comments. I love to hear from you.