Wednesday, August 5, 2009

Round Robin Heart

This was a replacement heart tatted for Carol Amich for the Round Robin that we participated in last year. Unfortunately, her package of hearts never returned back home to her. So I retatted the one from me. However, I changed the colors this time. The pattern is the "Antique Rose Heart" from Tats Amore by Martha Ess. I do hope Carol enjoys it. I love this pattern. If you don't have Martha's book, it's another great one for your library.


  1. How sweet of you to do it all over again fro Carol. Lovely heart, both the tatting and yours.

  2. Oh, you beat me to posting a picture!! Of, course, I LOVE it! thank you again for re-making it for me!!

  3. Very pretty and very thoughtful of you. I'm sure Carol will appreciate and enjoy her heart from you as much as I do mine!

  4. Hi! I just found your blog and thought I'd say Hi! I love the colors in that Martha Ess heart!

  5. Stopping by to say thank you for joining my giveaway. Good luck with the drawing.


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