Friday, June 12, 2009

HDT from Tatskool

I recently puchased these beautiful hand dyed threads from Tatskool. I can't wait to tat them up. There have been so many posts on other blogs about how wonderful this thread is--so I had to have some.


  1. Beautiful HTD's! I love the yarn from Tatskool! Lucky you - I am looking forward to the tatting you will produce with this fine thread! Fox : )

  2. I'm *drooling* over your new hand-dyed threads. They are really, really covetous-ly (is that a word?) beautiful.

    If I didn't have a super surplus of tatting cottons I'd be buying some too.

    Please do share your tatting progress so poor tatting souls like me can live vicareously through you. :-D

  3. Thanks JB, You make my heart sing. Wonder what you will make with it.


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