Thursday, March 19, 2009

Snowflake RR picture

Here is the snowflake/coaster that I tatted for Miranda Rensberger. The pattern is adapted from the "Japanese Tatting Book". Lizbeth variegated thread #122 was used for the chains and Flora #217 was used for the rings. The picture does not reflect the colors accurately.


Carol Schockling Lawecki said...

What a lovely snowflake/coaster! I love the rosette, it looks pretty in this variagated thread.

Anonymous said...

Very Beautiful! I always seem to miss where and when the RR are. Maybe one of these days I can get in on one.

Tattycat said...

This snowflake coaster is beautiful, J.B. I love the new blog and have added it to my blog list.

Barbara Gordon said...

What a pretty piece this is. I love the thread colors. I a kind of just getting into colors myself and I sure like what I see done up.